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Issues: apple/swift

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Disambiguation of function ref using coercion to non-matching type produces unhelpful error bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. casting Feature: explicit casting (is, as, as? and as!) compiler The Swift compiler in itself diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation expressions Feature: expressions function references Feature: function references as in 'foo(bar:baz:)' swift 5.9 type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference
#63834 by AnthonyLatsis was closed Mar 16, 2023
MainActor isolation is broken by conforming to an async protocol actor isolation Feature → concurrency: Actor isolation bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue SILGen Area → compiler: The SIL generation stage swift 5.8 unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output
#68487 by amarantedaniel was closed Jan 23, 2024
Pay me from GitHub invalid Resolution: Invalid (spam, junk or empty)
#66269 by Bryanmenacanto was closed Jun 1, 2023
Swift Compiler 5.8 / Xcode 14.3 RC not compiling with Modules built on Swift 5.7.2 actor Feature → concurrency: `actor` declarations attributes Feature: Declaration and type attributes availability The @available attribute and availability checking in general bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features swift 5.8 textual interfaces type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis unexpected error Bug: Unexpected error
#64552 by seanreinhardtapps was closed Mar 27, 2023
SIL verification failure when evaluating $0 in certain closures. assertion failure Bug → crash: An assertion failure bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. closures Feature: closures compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software expressions Feature: expressions SIL verifier
#66312 by fibrechannelscsi was closed Jun 22, 2023
Compiler crash when inferring generic parameter type from a parameter pack assertion failure Bug → crash: An assertion failure bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software generic constraints Feature → generics: generic constraints generics Feature: generic declarations and types IRGen LLVM IR generation swift 5.9 variadic generics Feature → generics: Variadic generics
#66660 by natecook1000 was closed Jul 27, 2023
Static functions from outer type are not suggested code completion Area → source tooling: code completion found by stress tester Flag: An issue found by the SourceKit stress tester nested types Feature: nested types source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling static declarations Feature → declarations: Static declarations swift 5.9 unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output
#66925 by ahoppen was closed Feb 9, 2024
Cannot convert return expression of type '()' to return type '...' when using guard bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. closures Feature: closures compiler The Swift compiler in itself diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue swift 5.7 type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference
#63137 by mozeryansky was closed Jun 2, 2023
ForwardTrailingClosures is not source compatible with calls to View.sheet(isPresented:onDismiss:content:) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. call expressions Feature → expressions: Call expressions closures Feature: closures compiler The Swift compiler in itself source compatibility swift 5.9 trailing closures Feature: trailing closures type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference unexpected error Bug: Unexpected error
#65921 by jqsilver was closed Mar 10, 2024
Runtime crash casting optional parameterized protocol types to protocol type without parameter availability The @available attribute and availability checking in general bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. casting Feature: explicit casting (is, as, as? and as!) compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue parameterized protocols Feature → protocol: protocols with primary associated types run-time crash Bug → crash: Swift code crashed during execution type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62022 by Ashton-W was closed Nov 10, 2022
Indexstore missing references when 2 types in different imported modules have the same name ambiguity handling Flag: Ambiguity handling bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. declarations Feature: declarations duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue expressions Feature: expressions indexing Area → source tooling: AST indexing multiple modules Flag: An issue whose reproduction requires multiple modules source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling swift 5.9 type declarations Feature → declarations: Type declarations unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output
#67499 by dylansturg was closed Jul 26, 2023
CMake error when running build-script with --xcode bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. build error Errors when building the toolchain, not regular Swift code build build-script Area → utils: The build script generated Xcode project
#62645 by whiteio was closed Dec 22, 2022
Compiler crash in pack expansion expression assertion failure Bug → crash: An assertion failure bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software expressions Feature: expressions generics Feature: generic declarations and types IRGen LLVM IR generation pack expansions Feature → expressions: Pack expansion expressions swift 5.9 variadic generics Feature → generics: Variadic generics
#66674 by natecook1000 was closed Jul 28, 2023
[interop] std::declval body is being imported by Clang importer bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. c++ interop Feature: Interoperability with C++ Linux Platform: Linux
#61547 by hyp was closed Oct 13, 2022
CodingKeyRepresentable is incorrectly available under low deployment targets availability The @available attribute and availability checking in general bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. Codable Area → standard library: `Codable` and co. compiler The Swift compiler in itself conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances not a bug Resolution → not a bug: Reported as a bug but turned out to be expected behavior or programmer error swift 5.7
#62769 by endeavour42 was closed Feb 2, 2023
Type of a for loop element isn’t captured bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference
#62002 by hadiidbouk was closed Nov 10, 2022
Runtime crash in AnyKeyPath.debugDescription when using @dynamicMemberLookup AnyKeyPath Area → standard library: The `AnyKeyPath` type attributes Feature: Declaration and type attributes bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software CustomDebugStringConvertible Area → standard library: The `CustomDebugStringConvertible` protocol declarations Feature: declarations demangling Area → compiler: The `libswiftDemangling` library @dynamicMemberLookup Feature → attributes: the @dynamicMemberLookup attribute generics Feature: generic declarations and types key paths Feature: key paths (both native and Objective-C) standard library Area: Standard library umbrella subscript Feature: Subscript declarations swift 5.9
#64865 by mbrandonw was closed May 18, 2023
Swift 5.9 compiler fails on some Actor (regression) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#67891 by dehesa was closed Oct 5, 2023
Initializing subclass creates instance of superclass instead of subclass when optimization is enabled bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue inheritance Feature → type declarations → class: Subclassing and inheritance of class members type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61800 by jayhickey was closed Nov 10, 2022
Explicit use of self required in nested non-escaping closure bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. triage needed This issue needs more specific labels
#69911 by Demerro was closed May 7, 2024
[C++-Interop] C++ struct passed by value to an objc_msgSend is passed as a pointer type of ABIArgInfo::Direct instead of a Indirect byval bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. c++ interop Feature: Interoperability with C++
#61929 by plotfi was closed Jun 16, 2023
[SR-1549] Swift member of Objective-C class not exposed to Swift bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself
#44158 by tonyarnold was closed Jan 7, 2019
Crash when using any in function parameter with default value in xcframeowrk. iOS 15 and lower availability The @available attribute and availability checking in general bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software duplicate Resolution: Duplicates another issue parameterized protocols Feature → protocol: protocols with primary associated types run-time crash Bug → crash: Swift code crashed during execution type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62024 by Siemian was closed Nov 10, 2022
[SR-12278] "Cannot match several associated values at once" should explain itself or be removed bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself
#54706 by rnapier was closed Feb 26, 2020
Multiple isolated parameters cause data race without generating compilation error or warning bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#60474 by maiyama18 was closed Nov 12, 2022
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2024-05-30.