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Issues: apple/swift

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Can't initialize a get-only propertyWrapper bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself property wrappers Feature: property wrappers type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62543 opened Dec 13, 2022 by dabrahams
Compiler error when adding Codable and Hashable to a public struct access control Feature → modifiers: Access control and access levels bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances derived conformances Feature → protocol → conformances: derived conformances aka synthesized conformances type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62404 opened Dec 5, 2022 by eddieSullivan
The warning that 'Could not open XXX.swiftmodule' is expected behavior when pure Objc project with SPM? bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. triage needed This issue needs more specific labels
#62669 opened Dec 19, 2022 by jormungand2006
@MainActor class is not protocol Actor actor Feature → concurrency: `actor` declarations bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#62632 opened Dec 16, 2022 by inamiy
Crash-on-invalid in type checker bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62642 opened Dec 16, 2022 by dabrahams
Malformed Rewrite Rule when building PenguinGraphs bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software generics Feature: generic declarations and types type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62660 opened Dec 17, 2022 by ProfFan
Anonymous property not allowed to have some type compiler The Swift compiler in itself improvement opaque types Feature → types: opaque types type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61578 opened Oct 14, 2022 by AnthonyLatsis
Empty failable init override produces misleading error bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation SIL
#61483 opened Oct 7, 2022 by AnthonyLatsis
Assertion failure when passing an existential into a generic parameter. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software SILGen Area → compiler: The SIL generation stage
#61498 opened Oct 7, 2022 by fibrechannelscsi
[performance] copy_addr is not optimized out for a C++ subscript invocation bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. c++ interop Feature: Interoperability with C++ performance
#61499 opened Oct 7, 2022 by hyp
Code completion is not suggesting tuple labels because type checker is dropping them too early (with return) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. code completion Area → source tooling: code completion compiler The Swift compiler in itself source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61488 opened Oct 7, 2022 by ahoppen
Profiler ignores Never returning functions bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. code coverage Area → source tooling: code coverage compiler The Swift compiler in itself Never Area → standard library: The `Never` type source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling swift 5.7 unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output
#61487 opened Oct 7, 2022 by hamishknight
Improve the error message for passing (any P)? to (some P)? bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation existentials Feature: values of types like `any Collection`, `Any` and `AnyObject`; type-erased values good first issue Good for newcomers type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61733 opened Oct 26, 2022 by hborla
Initalizer Error in UIStackView bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61718 opened Oct 25, 2022 by lxodud
Concrete implementation of a generic protocol does not inherit the type aliases from the generic protocol associated type inference bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61712 opened Oct 25, 2022 by coinbump
crash in swift concurrency, saying: suspend resume partial function for static bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software run-time crash Bug → crash: Swift code crashed during execution
#61689 opened Oct 23, 2022 by amraboelela
Unable to mutate certain properties of Objective-C objects via protocol (polymorphically) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#61687 opened Oct 23, 2022 by mike-at-home
Unable to compile module with Xcode 14.0.1 when using toolchain swift-5.6.3-RELEASE-osx bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#61550 opened Oct 11, 2022 by jpr5
The swift package generate-xcodeproj command throws an error on Packages that use plugins bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#61553 opened Oct 12, 2022 by davidfekke
confusing behavior when compiling with static library bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#61632 opened Oct 19, 2022 by rickytan
swift_async_error(none)) seems to be broken bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. clang importer Area → compiler: The clang importer concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#61763 opened Oct 27, 2022 by bjhomer
Crash: static-stdlib and static variable initialisation bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#61669 opened Oct 21, 2022 by patrick-zippenfenig
Compiling Citadel bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#61663 opened Oct 21, 2022 by Joannis
Crash: Variable is not retained in await statement in Release mode. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software optimized only Flag: An issue whose reproduction requires optimized compilation run-time crash Bug → crash: Swift code crashed during execution
#61658 opened Oct 21, 2022 by WarWithinMe
ProTip! Exclude everything labeled bug with -label:bug.