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[SR-7023] Missed optimization opportunity, but not missed if wrapping code in a nested func #49571

jepers opened this issue Feb 18, 2018 · 17 comments
compiler The Swift compiler in itself improvement performance


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jepers commented Feb 18, 2018

Previous ID SR-7023
Radar None
Original Reporter @jepers
Type Improvement
Status Closed
Resolution Done

Attachment: Download

Additional Detail from JIRA
Votes 1
Component/s Compiler
Labels Improvement, Performance
Assignee None
Priority Medium

md5: d1719415de47fefc0d5b1f41eec99e68

relates to:

  • SR-6254 Redundant load elimination + alias analysis opportunity.
  • SR-6983 Unexpected drop in performance of (identity-)closure the second time it is used
  • SR-7150 Recent dev snapshots make this code 4 times slower

Issue Description:

As discussed in more detail here, the following code demonstrates that the execution speed of some code increases when simply wrapping it in a nested function, suggesting a missed optimization in the natural (not-wrapped-in-nested-func) "Normal Test" below.

import QuartzCore
import Security

extension FixedWidthInteger where Self: UnsignedInteger {
    /// Creates a value by mapping `source` from the full range of its type
    /// `S` to the full range of `Self`.
    init<S>(rangeConverted source: S)
        where S: FixedWidthInteger, S: UnsignedInteger
        let srcByteCount = MemoryLayout<S>.size
        let dstByteCount = MemoryLayout<Self>.size
        if srcByteCount < dstByteCount {
            let dstBitCount = dstByteCount &* 8
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: source)
            var shifts = srcByteCount &* 8
            while shifts < dstBitCount {
                self |= self << shifts
                shifts = shifts &* 2
        } else if srcByteCount > dstByteCount {
            let shifts = (srcByteCount &- dstByteCount) &* 8
            let a = source >> shifts
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: a)
        } else {
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: source)

func demonstrateStrangeWayOfSpeedingUpCode() {
    let num = 100_000_000
    var randomBytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: num)
    for trial in 0 ..< 5 {


        // Set new random bytes for each trial:
        randomBytes.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (ptr) -> Void in
            let rc = SecRandomCopyBytes(nil, ptr.count, ptr.baseAddress!)
            precondition(rc == errSecSuccess)

        // ---- The Normal Test ----
        var checksum = UInt64(0)
        let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        for e in randomBytes {
            let dst = UInt64(rangeConverted: e)
            checksum = checksum ^ dst
        let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        print("  Normal Test:", t1 - t0, "seconds (checksum: \(checksum))")

        // ---- The Faster Test ----
        func fasterTestBySimplyCopyPastingTheAboveNormalTestInsideMe() {
            var checksum = UInt64(0)
            let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime()
            for e in randomBytes {
                let dst = UInt64(rangeConverted: e)
                checksum = checksum ^ dst
            let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
            print("  Faster Test:", t1 - t0, "seconds (checksum: \(checksum))")


Running this on my MBP (I get the same result with latest dev snapshot 2018-02-16):

› swiftc --version
Apple Swift version 4.1 (swiftlang-902.0.38 clang-902.0.30)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.4.0
› swiftc -O -whole-module-optimization -gnone -static-stdlib test.swift 
› ./test
  Normal Test: 0.133281479007564 seconds (checksum: 18446744073709551615)
  Faster Test: 0.0559600760461763 seconds (checksum: 18446744073709551615)
  Normal Test: 0.127923870983068 seconds (checksum: 13093571283691877813)
  Faster Test: 0.0556459830258973 seconds (checksum: 13093571283691877813)
  Normal Test: 0.12858513899846 seconds (checksum: 17144620962624171501)
  Faster Test: 0.0576970489928499 seconds (checksum: 17144620962624171501)
  Normal Test: 0.133025638002437 seconds (checksum: 17723342345328784885)
  Faster Test: 0.0553884139517322 seconds (checksum: 17723342345328784885)
  Normal Test: 0.127924009982962 seconds (checksum: 1808504320951916825)
  Faster Test: 0.0553643790190108 seconds (checksum: 1808504320951916825)
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cc @eeckstein

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jepers commented Mar 5, 2018

Issue remains in dev snapshot 2018-03-03.

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jepers commented May 27, 2018

Issue remains in dev snapshot 2018-05-26.

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jepers commented May 28, 2018

I noticed that if you remove the for-in loop for the 5 trials, then the normal test will become as fast as the fast test.

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I took a little look at this. There is nothing to do with the function being inside the actual function itself. If I pass in the array to the helper function and extract it out, it is as fast (baring a slight function call overhead).

func fasterTestBySimplyCopyPastingTheAboveNormalTestInsideMe2(_ randomBytes: [UInt8]) {
  var checksum = UInt64(0)
  let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime()
  for e in randomBytes {
    let dst = UInt64(rangeConverted: e)
    checksum = checksum ^ dst
  let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
  print("  Faster Test2:", t1 - t0, "seconds (checksum: \(checksum))")

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I think for some reason the vectorizer is failing here. Inline we have:

+0x2f3      nopw                %cs:(%rax,%rax)
+0x300          movq                %rbx, %rsi
+0x303          movzbl              32(%r14,%rdx), %ebx
+0x309          movq                %rbx, %rdi
+0x30c          shlq                $8, %rdi
+0x310          orq                 %rbx, %rdi
+0x313          movq                %rdi, %rax
+0x316          shlq                $16, %rax
+0x31a          orq                 %rdi, %rax
+0x31d          movq                %rax, %rbx
+0x320          shlq                $32, %rbx
+0x324          orq                 %rax, %rbx
+0x327          xorq                %rsi, %rbx
+0x32a          cmpq                %rdx, %rcx
+0x32d          je                  "demonstrateStrangeWayOfSpeedingUpCode()+0x342"
+0x32f          incq                %rdx
+0x332          cmpq                %r8, %rdx
+0x335          jb                  "demonstrateStrangeWayOfSpeedingUpCode()+0x300"

In the function that is taken out:

+0x70       pmovzxbq            -2(%rdx), %xmm2
+0x76       pmovzxbq            (%rdx), %xmm3
+0x7b       movdqa              %xmm2, %xmm4
+0x7f       psllq               $8, %xmm4
+0x84       movdqa              %xmm3, %xmm5
+0x88       psllq               $8, %xmm5
+0x8d       por                 %xmm2, %xmm4
+0x91       por                 %xmm3, %xmm5
+0x95       movdqa              %xmm4, %xmm2
+0x99       psllq               $16, %xmm2
+0x9e       movdqa              %xmm5, %xmm3
+0xa2       psllq               $16, %xmm3
+0xa7       por                 %xmm4, %xmm2
+0xab       por                 %xmm5, %xmm3
+0xaf       movdqa              %xmm2, %xmm4
+0xb3       psllq               $32, %xmm4
+0xb8       movdqa              %xmm3, %xmm5
+0xbc       psllq               $32, %xmm5
+0xc1       por                 %xmm2, %xmm4
+0xc5       pxor                %xmm4, %xmm0
+0xc9       por                 %xmm3, %xmm5
+0xcd       pxor                %xmm5, %xmm1
+0xd1       addq                $4, %rdx
+0xd5       addq                $-4, %rsi

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The problem is that for some reason when the value is not removed in the other function we can not eliminate a bounds check in the loop. So the vectorization fails.

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On a completely different note, I found a really great way to match up cond_fail in assembly with SIL instructions. What you can do is compile with -g -Xfrontend -gsil and then load the program into lldb and diassembly with mixed source. So in this case I was able to see that the two ud2 in the function in question that were interesting was:

** 404   cond_fail %194 : $Builtin.Int1                  // id: %195
   405   %196 = builtin "truncOrBitCast_Int64_Word"(%190 : $Builtin.Int64) : $Builtin.Word // user: %197
   406   %197 = index_addr %180 : $*UInt8, %196 : $Builtin.Word // user: %198

    0x1000011ed <+493>: ud2

** 298   cond_fail %108 : $Builtin.Int1                  // id: %109

    0x1000011ef <+495>: ud2    
    0x1000011f1 <+497>: nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)

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jepers commented May 29, 2018

I'm assuming it might have something to with truncatingIfNeeded initializer, just like @atrick speculates about SR-7150 at the end of this comment:

The closest commit I can find in the past year is this, but it's just a wild guess:
commit a5ff35c
Author: Maxim Moiseev <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 14:46:54 2017 -0700

[stdlib] extendingOrTruncating: => truncatingIfNeeded:

cc @moiseev

Note that even though the example code of these two issues (SR-7023 and SR-7150) is similar, they are doing different tests, they use different versions of the rangeConversion-init but for UInt8 to UInt64 they should do the same thing. Anyway, they are perhaps not demonstrating the same issue(s). But I thought the coincident of truncatingIfNeeded coming up in both was probably worth mentioning. Also, something about the following loop resulting in a surprising amount of code and branching was mentioned in the comments to SR-7150:

            while shifts < dstBW {
                self |= self << shifts
                shifts = shifts << 1

or here, in SR-7023:

            while shifts < dstBitCount {
                self |= self << shifts
                shifts = shifts &* 2

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milseman mannequin commented May 29, 2018

That's because of the

 self << shifts

You can instead use

self &<< shifts

to skip the branch. This can make a sizable difference:

public func shift(_ i: UInt, _ by: UInt) -> UInt {
  return i << by

public func shift_2(_ i: UInt, _ by: UInt) -> UInt {
  return i &<< by

; shift
         cmp        x1, #&#8203;0x40
         cset       w8, gt
         cset       w9, hi
         cmp        x1, #&#8203;0x0
         csel       w8, w9, w8, lt
         cmp        w8, #&#8203;0x1       loc_100007f88
         movz       x0, #&#8203;0x0
         tbnz       x1, 0x3f, loc_100007fa0
         cmp        x1, #&#8203;0x40
         and        x8, x1, #&#8203;0x3f
         lsl        x8, x0, x8
         csel       x0, x8, xzr, lt
         brk        #&#8203;0x1
         brk        #&#8203;0x1

; shift_2
         and        x8, x1, #&#8203;0x3f
         lsl        x0, x0, x8

edit: code example

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jepers commented May 30, 2018

Yes, but note that if (in the unmodified example program above) we make only this change:

            while shifts < dstBitCount {
                self |= self &<< shifts // <-- Only change: replaced << with &<<
                shifts = shifts &* 2

It makes both tests equally SLOW (not fast as expected).

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There is an additional bounds check from the actual loop itself. Consider the following attached swift that is fast in both cases.

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So it seems like we have two interesting bugs here where we are not hoisting bounds checks in two situations.

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jepers commented May 30, 2018

Ah, I tried a few different things with your attached test.backup.swift program, I noticed the following:

In my original example program, The Normal Test can become as fast as The Faster Test using only ONE modification to the program, and that is to replace the for-in loop of The Normal Test with a while loop (like you had done for both tests in your modified version of the program). So this is how The Normal Test will look after this single modification:

        // ---- The Normal Test ----
        var checksum = UInt64(0)
        let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime() // This line has to be before count = randomBytes.count
        let count = randomBytes.count
        var i = 0
        while i < count {
            let dst = UInt64(rangeConverted: randomBytes[i])
            checksum = checksum ^ dst
            i = i &+ 1
        let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        print("  Normal Test:", t1 - t0, "seconds (checksum: \(checksum))")

Again, note that this is the ONLY change that is needed in order to make both tests equally fast in the original program. So it's not necessary to replace << with &<< for example, and it's not necessary to replace the for-in loop of The Faster Test.

HOWEVER: Note that if we move the first call to CACurrentMediaTime() so that it happens after setting count to randomBytes.count, like this:

        // ---- The Normal Test ----
        var checksum = UInt64(0)
        let count = randomBytes.count
        let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime() // <-- Moved this here (so that it is after count).
        var i = 0
        while i < count {
            let dst = UInt64(rangeConverted: randomBytes[i])
            checksum = checksum ^ dst
            i = i &+ 1
        let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        print("  Normal Test:", t1 - t0, "seconds (checksum: \(checksum))")

then The Normal Test will be slow again!

This situation looks very similar to another issue which I reported some time ago: SR-6254.
Some of the underlying problems seem to be the same in these issues (and if so, the comments at the end of SR-6254 about final class vs struct might perhaps make sense here if Array's count is stored in a dynamically allocated buffer / reference type (together with the elements).

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jepers commented May 30, 2018

Btw, while playing around with the code, I noticed a compiler crash, reported as SR-7805, but it only happens when using a recent snapshot, and -O. Don't know if it might provide some clues.

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jepers commented May 30, 2018

Another observation (please let me know if my amateur investigation is just noise! You could be light years ahead for all I know). This is again a single modification to my original demo program, and this one is making both tests slow:

    init<S>(rangeConverted source: S)
        where S: FixedWidthInteger, S: UnsignedInteger
        let srcByteCount = MemoryLayout<S>.size
        let dstByteCount = MemoryLayout<Self>.size
        if srcByteCount < dstByteCount {
            let dstBitCount = dstByteCount &* 8
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: source)
            var shifts = srcByteCount &* 8
            while shifts < dstBitCount {
                self |= self << shifts
                shifts = shifts &* 2
        } else {
            self = 0
            // As srcByteCount < dstByteCount is always true in this demo,
            // I've commented out the original else-statements below, and
            // replaced them with this one.
            // This change will make both Normal Test and Faster Test slow.
        else if srcByteCount > dstByteCount {
            let shifts = (srcByteCount &- dstByteCount) &* 8
            let a = source >> shifts
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: a)
        } else {
            self = Self(truncatingIfNeeded: source)

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jepers commented May 31, 2018

Linking to SR-6983, since replacing the for loop with a while loop works around that issue too.

@swift-ci swift-ci transferred this issue from apple/swift-issues Apr 25, 2022
This issue was closed.
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compiler The Swift compiler in itself improvement performance
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