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Issues: apple/swift

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@MainActor default value to @MainActor function produces warning bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#73196 opened Apr 23, 2024 by KeithBauerANZ
Isolated parameter to struct init crashes in silgen actor isolation Feature → concurrency: Actor isolation bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software
#71174 opened Jan 26, 2024 by tgoyne
AST verifier failure InOutToPointerExpr in unexpected position! assertion failure Bug → crash: An assertion failure bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software expressions Feature: expressions function parameters Feature → declarations: function parameters in-out expressions Feature → expressions: In-out expressions swift 6.0 type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis variadic parameters Feature → declarations → function parameters: Variadic function parameters verifier
#70405 opened Dec 12, 2023 by compnerd
Autoclosures and global actors don't work together bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. concurrency Feature: umbrella label for concurrency language features
#67688 opened Aug 2, 2023 by KeithBauerANZ
Type inference fails when a literal is passed to a generic function and the return value is applied to a binary operator. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself generics Feature: generic declarations and types operators Feature: operators regression swift 5.9 type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference types Feature: types unexpected error Bug: Unexpected error
#65061 opened Apr 11, 2023 by kishikawakatsumi
Compiler crash with property wrapper and opaque return type bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software property wrappers Feature: property wrappers SwiftUI Flag: Related to (but not an issue with) SwiftUI type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#62062 opened Nov 11, 2022 by slavapestov
Improve the error message for property wrappers that don't support init(wrappedValue:) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation property wrappers Feature: property wrappers
#61159 opened Sep 16, 2022 by hborla
Suboptimal diagnostics with constrained existential types bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#60510 opened Aug 11, 2022 by slavapestov
Bad error messaging when opening multiple existentials bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#59691 opened Jun 24, 2022 by mbrandonw
Runtime crash when using any with a type alias any SomeProtocol & SomeClass bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior.
#59566 opened Jun 18, 2022 by amomchilov
[SR-15033] Swift Compiler Error: Abort trap 6 (maybe due to SE-0293) bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself
#57360 opened Aug 5, 2021 by mattyoung
[SR-14652] Compiler slowdown (type checking) with custom operator expressions. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#57004 opened May 21, 2021 by davidbjames
[SR-13620] One-way constraint is not described in typeChecker.rst compiler The Swift compiler in itself documentation improvement type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#56055 opened Sep 27, 2020 by LucianoPAlmeida
[SR-10461] Unable to type check expression, Xcode 10.2 regression bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself performance regression swift 5.0 type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis
#52861 opened Apr 12, 2019 by jepers
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