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[SR-1824] Swift 3 regression makes this test > 200 times slower with Swift 3 than with Swift 2.2 #44433

jepers opened this issue Jun 19, 2016 · 9 comments
bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself performance regression swift 3.0


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jepers commented Jun 19, 2016

Previous ID SR-1824
Radar rdar://problem/26900080
Original Reporter @jepers
Type Bug
Status Closed
Resolution Done

OS X 10.11.5, Xcode 8.0 beta (8S128d)

Additional Detail from JIRA
Votes 0
Component/s Compiler
Labels Bug, 3.0Regression, Performance
Assignee @aschwaighofer
Priority Medium

md5: 892fa44eee9598f9cb460581a93a350c

Issue Description:

// Demonstration of a Swift 3 regression
// Please see my issue which was fixed by
// edf9ca0 Unroll loops with known short trip count.
// Turns out that in Swift 3, the situation is worse than when I reported the
// above issue, SR-203, back in 12 dec 2015.
// This program is the same as that in SR-203, only adapted for Swift 3.
// It runs more than 200 times slower with Swift 3 than with Swift 2.2. : (
// In the comments below I have attached the results for
// Swift 3, Xcode 8.0 beta (8S128d)
// Swift 2.2, Xcode 7.3.1 (7D1014)
// and I've also kept the results from when I reported SR-203.
// NOTE:
// When this example work as expected (as it does/did in Xcode 7.3.1 (7D1014)),
// my generic struct V4 should be as fast as when using simd type, ie
// V4<Float> should be as fast as float4,
// and
// V4<V4<Float>> should be as fast as float4x4.

import QuartzCore // (for CACurrentMediaTime)
import simd

let manuallyUnrolled = true // <-- Note how/if/why results depends on this flag.

// Requirements and defaults for testable types (see the test at the end).
protocol DefaultInitializable { init() }
protocol Testable : DefaultInitializable {
    static func random() -> Self
    func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Testable {
    static func random(count: Int) -> [Self] { return (0 ..< count).map { _ in Self.random() } }
extension Float    : Testable { static func random() -> Float {
    return unsafeBitCast(UInt32(127 << 23) | (arc4random() & 0x7fffff), to: Float.self) - 1.0 } // [0, 1)
extension float4   : Testable { static func random() -> float4   { return float4(Float.random(count: 4)) } }
extension float4x4 : Testable { static func random() -> float4x4 { return float4x4(float4.random(count: 4)) } }

// A generic testable type with a "static storage" of four testable elements.
// Note that V4<V4<Float>> makes a (Testable) 4x4 float "matrix" type.
struct V4<T: Testable> : Testable {
    var elements: (T, T, T, T)
    init(_ e0: T, _ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T) { elements = (e0, e1, e2, e3) }
    init() { self.init(T(), T(), T(), T()) }
    static func random() -> V4 { return .init(T.random(), T.random(), T.random(), T.random()) }
    var count: Int { return 4 }
    var indices: Range<Int> { return 0 ..< count }
    subscript(index: Int) -> T {
        get { precondition(0 <= index && index < count, "Index out of bounds")
            var selfCopy = self; return withUnsafePointer(&selfCopy) { UnsafePointer<T>($0)[index] } }
        set { precondition(0 <= index && index < count, "Index out of bounds")
            withUnsafeMutablePointer(&self) { UnsafeMutablePointer<T>($0)[index] = newValue } }
        // (Implementing subscript with eg switch case instead of unsafe ptr produces the same results.)
    func mapWith(_ other: V4, transform: (T, T) -> T) -> V4 {
        var r = V4()
        if manuallyUnrolled {
            r[0] = transform(self[0], other[0])
            r[1] = transform(self[1], other[1])
            r[2] = transform(self[2], other[2])
            r[3] = transform(self[3], other[3])
        } else {
            for i in 0 ..< 4 { r[i] = transform(self[i], other[i]) }
        return r
func +<T: Testable>(lhs: V4<T>, rhs: V4<T>) -> V4<T> { return lhs.mapWith(rhs, transform: +) }

// The test (sum a million random values of the given testable type)
func test<T: Testable>(_: T.Type) {
    let a: [T] = T.random(count: 1_000_000)
    var times = [Double]()
    var sum = T()
    for _ in 0 ..< 7 {
        let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        for i in a.indices { sum = sum + a[i] }
        let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
        times.append(t1 - t0)
    print(String(format: "  %@ median time: %9.6f s   (DCE-prevention: %lld)",
                 { $0 + String(repeating: Character(" "), count: 13 - $0.characters.count) }("\(T.self)"),
                 times.sorted()[times.count / 2],
                 "\(sum)".hashValue & 0xffff))
print("Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = \(manuallyUnrolled):")

// Current example results with Swift 3, Xcode 8.0 beta (8S128d)
// 1. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.000947 s   (DCE-prevention: 64318)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.092634 s   (DCE-prevention: 35151)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003706 s   (DCE-prevention: 49514)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.798284 s   (DCE-prevention: 39690)
// 2. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = false:
//      float4        median time:  0.001134 s   (DCE-prevention: 5130)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.092355 s   (DCE-prevention: 30665)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003196 s   (DCE-prevention: 52707)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.786128 s   (DCE-prevention: 53556)

// Current example results with Swift 2.2, Xcode 7.3.1 (7D1014)  (EXPECTED RES.)
// 1. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.000951 s   (DCE-prevention: 17675)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.000946 s   (DCE-prevention: 49217)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003488 s   (DCE-prevention: 623)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.003433 s   (DCE-prevention: 5820)
// 2. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.000952 s   (DCE-prevention: 60271)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.000977 s   (DCE-prevention: 10724)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003468 s   (DCE-prevention: 26118)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.003399 s   (DCE-prevention: 8786)

// Old example results, from when I reported SR-203
// Using swiftc built from (then) latest open source master (built using
// swift/utils/build-script -R --no-assertions --no-swift-stdlib-assertions):
// 1. Compiling and running with manuallyUnrolled set to true:
//    $ xcrun ~/apple/build/Ninja-Release/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/swiftc -O unroll-test.swift && ./unroll-test
//    Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.000961 s   (DCE-prevention: 7687)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.000948 s   (DCE-prevention: 28622)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003454 s   (DCE-prevention: 42956)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.003257 s   (DCE-prevention: 43011)
// 2. Compiling and running with manuallyUnrolled set to false:
//    $ xcrun ~/apple/build/Ninja-Release/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/swiftc -O unroll-test.swift && ./unroll-test
//    Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = false:
//      float4        median time:  0.000963 s   (DCE-prevention: 51683)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.001099 s   (DCE-prevention: 52176)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003531 s   (DCE-prevention: 41733)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.015062 s   (DCE-prevention: 37967)
// Note that in 1, code using my custom types is optimimized to be as fast as
// the SIMD float4 and float4x4, while in 2, especially V4<V4<Float>> is about
// four times slower.
// Using swiftc from Xcode 7.2 (7C68). NOTE: This is irrelevant for the issue at
// hand, but it's nice to see how much better this test performs when using the
// current open source master. Also, it might be interesting to note that the
// manuallyUnrolled flag doesn't make a difference with the swiftc of Xcode 7.2:
// 3. Compiling and running with manuallyUnrolled set to true:
//    $ swiftc -O unroll-test.swift && ./unroll-test
//    Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.000990 s   (DCE-prevention: 31706)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.088104 s   (DCE-prevention: 58860)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003442 s   (DCE-prevention: 8133)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time: 10.511913 s   (DCE-prevention: 42261)
// 4. Compiling and running with manuallyUnrolled set to false:
//    $ swiftc -O unroll-test.swift && ./unroll-test
//    Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = false:
//      float4        median time:  0.000946 s   (DCE-prevention: 10443)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.091342 s   (DCE-prevention: 3630)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003782 s   (DCE-prevention: 26092)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time: 10.895031 s   (DCE-prevention: 38005)
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jepers commented Jun 19, 2016 (JIRA User)

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The inliner is less aggressive these days and so we end up not inlining a function (mapWith) which had previously enabled removing a closure.

This can be fixed by annotating mapWith with @inline(__always).

I will hopefully commit a change to the optimizer that will make this annotation unnecessary.

The closure specializer should have inlined the closure into mapWith. If #3257 goes in it will do so. This will again enable removal of the closure.

In my experiments this recovers performance.

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Should be fixed by 8f3d26d.

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jepers commented Jul 8, 2016

(Just ran the above code in Xcode 8 beta 2, got the same results as with the first Xcode 8 beta, so I guess 8f3d26d wasn't included in beta 2.)

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You are right. The fix did not make it into beta 2.

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Hi Jens,
can you try with beta 3? It should be fixed now. Worked for me.

Thank you

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jepers commented Jul 19, 2016

Thanks, works for me too now:

// Example results with Swift 3, Xcode 8.0 beta 3 (8S174q)
// 1. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = true:
//      float4        median time:  0.001327 s   (DCE-prevention: 57874)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.000946 s   (DCE-prevention: 17169)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003460 s   (DCE-prevention: 15613)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.003290 s   (DCE-prevention: 29086)
// 2. Running test compiled with manuallyUnrolled = false:
//      float4        median time:  0.001010 s   (DCE-prevention: 47972)
//      V4<Float>     median time:  0.000949 s   (DCE-prevention: 37396)
//      float4x4      median time:  0.003381 s   (DCE-prevention: 15376)
//      V4<V4<Float>> median time:  0.003195 s   (DCE-prevention: 26322)

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Great! Closing the bug.

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jepers commented Sep 16, 2016 (JIRA User)
A related question:
This shows that the optimizer can recognize 4 and 16 successive float additions and produce code that is as fast as if we had used simd float4 and float4x4 instead of eg V4<Float> and V4<V4<Float>>.

Is this only true for (float) addition or does the compiler also support other simd (types and) operations, like dot product, matrix multiplication, etc?

That is, if I implemented dot product for V4<Float>, would the optimizer be able to make it as fast as the simd dot product (for float4)?

@swift-ci swift-ci transferred this issue from apple/swift-issues Apr 25, 2022
This issue was closed.
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bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler in itself performance regression swift 3.0
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